Safer sex tips: anal fingering

Below are some tips on how to perform different sex activities safely.

Anal fingering

It’s not common for anal fingering to spread STIs. However, there may be a small risk if your client touches himself or masturbates and performs anal fingering on you afterwards. 

Unless you have open wounds on your fingers, there is almost no risk of catching an STI through anal fingering.


  • If you finger someone anally, always use a finger condom or a glove and lubricants.
  • If you are fingered anally, have the person wear a glove or finger condom.
  • Always use a new finger condom when switching from vaginal to anal fingering and vice versa. If a client switches from anal to vaginal fingering without changing the condom or glove, intestinal bacteria can enter your vagina and cause infections. Although these are not STIs, they can still cause a lot of discomfort.

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